Converting Leads into Loyal Customers

Unleash your potential with our advanced A.I. solution. Our platform automates your lead conversion process, turning prospects into qualified appointments on autopilot, freeing you to focus on scaling your business.

My goal is simple: to help you transform your business into a generational legacy, giving you the freedom and time to focus on what's truly important in your life.

Logo for RWC Group
Photo of Richard Walsh

Your Path to Consistent Customer Growth

Experience a transformation in how you acquire customers, with our AI-powered solution designed for your business growth.

Effortlessly Convert Your Contacts into Clients

Ready for a steady stream of customers from the Internet? Our software isn't just new - it's a game-changer. Discover why it's unlike anything you've tried, effectively turning your list into committed customers.

Tailored Integrations,
Done Just for You

Let us handle the complexities. Our done-for-you integrations are crafted to seamlessly fit into your unique business, ensuring smooth operations and enhanced productivity.

Empower Yourself
with DIY Resources

Take control with our extensive DIY resources. Designed for the ambitious entrepreneur, these tools and guides put you in the driver’s seat, accelerating your business’s growth.

Get the Always Be Human Book

Want to Build Customer Relationships That Last?

Read 'Always Be Human' to find out how.

A Star Wars Fan, Comic Book Lover, and Nerd at Heart: My Journey with AI & Automation

I am Richard Walsh, a seasoned expert in sales and marketing with a passion for AI and automation.

Over two decades, I've guided businesses to scale and thrive, leveraging the latest in technology and strategy.

As the Founder of RWC Group and Co-Founder of Thrive CRM, I specialize in inbound marketing and sales processes, turning leads into revenue.

My journey has seen thousands of businesses flourish, growing their email lists from zero to over 10,000 members.

My dedication is to help each business unlock its full potential, blending my love for technology with proven growth strategies.

Sketch of Richard Walsh